Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Which is better, paranormal or blood and gore?

I think that paranormal is better because I believe in ghost and witchcraft. Blood and gore is so boring. It's like, hey look at me with my ax or chainsaw. I'm so cool. 

Paranormal is more like oh my god! Did you see that? Did he just throw her against a wall? I mean yes, both are based off of "true stories" sometimes. The guy that raped teenage boys. I can't think of his name for some reason. The Exorcist was also based off a true story.

I think that ghost ones scare people more though. I never jumped at a saw movie or anything. I only jumped at 1408, and I never jump at movies. That shows that paranormal movies are better in every way possible. If a movie can scare me... It's good. If I get goose bumps from a movie, it's amazing! I did that with The Shining. I think that I need to go watch it now. Good-bye!

1 comment:

  1. I am counting this as an extra credit post. I was expecting a lot more thoughtfulness and argument on this particular topic :( There is so much you could talk about here but you barely give it the time of day. Maybe try doing this topic again in the future and fleshing it out more....What you've given me here is nowhere near what it should be.

    +1 on 1st blog post grade
