Thursday, December 19, 2013

Famous Horror movie Director.

James Wan, you might not know him but after reading this, you will. James is a great horror movie director. He did some of the best movies ever. Not to mention the movies I talk about all the time.
James Wan is a Malaysian Australian film producer, screenwriter and film director of Malaysian Chinese descent. He is widely known for directing the horror film Saw and creating Billy the puppet. Wan has also directed Dead SilenceDeath SentenceInsidiousInsidious: Chapter 2, and The Conjuring.
He does a great job in directing and screenwriting. He makes amazing movies. If you love horror movies, watch some of his. If you're looking for a good scary movie that makes you jump, and are usually based off of true stories, look into him.
He even did an action movie! Fast and Furious 7. (R.I.P Brian.<3) How he is going to fix the movie from Paul Walkers death, I don't know. It's going to be hard, but I'm sure he will pull it off. They'll probably just make his stunt double drive off a cliff or bridge. Maybe get shot!? Oh my god... genius..
Back to scary movies.(: He was the producer for the Saw movies, he also did some writing for some of them also.
He also had a career in video games also, he was the director for the trailer for the game Dead Space.
In short, Wan is a great director and producer!

Friday, December 6, 2013

New or Old?

Are new horror movies better than old ones? By old ones I mean like Frankenstein and Van Helsing, and by new ones I mean Paranormal Activity and Insidious. I prefer the new ones, but hey.... the classics are great also! Who doesn't love a good monster movie. Personally I think that paranormal movies are better. Way back when, they didn't have paranormal movies in all honesty. The Others was a good ghost mind fucking movie. It just messed with my mind. It's kind of a old movie but also not to old. Nicole Kidman isn't old so I guess it might be considered a newer movie. But it is kinda old compared to The Conjuring. Which was amazing if I might say so myself. Based on a real story and everything. That movie is meant to be old but is new, thats another kind of genre horror movies come in. New but older style.
Those movies drive me crazy because they kinda make the movie cheezy. Because I mean come on, people didn't say, ohhhh noooo there's a ghost... No, their asses were out of there because they even see a ghost. At least I wouldn't sit there and try to talk to it and piss it off like they in movies now. Don't piss em off. Just leave and let them keep your house. Don't even take you shizz. Just leave. You can buy new things. You can't buy new lives. Old movies make ghost seem like freaks. They are just dead peoples souls that can't move on because of whatever they have keeping them here. They're "unfinished business."
New movies are more realistic, they show the ghost on how they are meant to be seen, not as freaks or creepy. They are shown as real people that just can't move on. Spirits have feelings too I think and they should be portrayed as so.
Does that tell you which is better? Old movies are great for just a good laugh kinda. New movies are were you might just piss yourself. Which is what most people look for in a good scary movie.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Best Blood N Gore and Paranormal Movies

Obviously Saw was the best Blood N Gore movie out there, hello, all he wanted to do was play a game though... No one understood his genius mind, but me! MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA! I mean come on, he trapped people that all were related in some way by that one kid because of his dad. He was genius for that, he probably had to think about that a lot and also had to work on making that house pretty much impossible to get out alive. Which was pretty much what happened in the movie except for the police and the kids dad finally figured it all out from Jigsaw because the kids dad almost killed him for taking his son. The gas actually did make people get sick and shizz but ehhh, that one guy got killed for being greedy pretty much because he went into that incinerator to get the 2 shots but if he only would have grabbed one he would have lived instead of burning to death, then that black dude clubbed a dude in the head, or no... did he get clubbed in the head? I can't remember, but that one chick got her arms cut from the glass trying to get a shot of the antidote. Look at you, you're dead now, lol. The Saw movies crack me up. I love em(: Well in all honesty, that one Saw movie, I think the 3rd, is my favorite, which is the one I've been talking about, actually it might have been the 2nd. Oh well, pointless info.

The best paranormal movie out there is.... The Exorcism of Emily Rose, It's a great movie just in general. I mean just about everything happens in that movie at 3:00am, aka, the devils hour. The Emily Rose is just a girl like all of us out there, until things get strange, she starts to act weird and then she get starts to get sick, which is what always happens to the haunted people in paranormal movies, she starts to become uncontrollable. So of course like we would all do, they restrain her. She of course breaks the bonds and runs to the barn, which is all of our favorite parts in the movie! When she starts to walk up the barn wall backwards! It's brilliant! I love that part, it's just evil and amazing. Then she kills the expert on all of this. It's starting to get intense, now let's not forget the actual plot of the story of course, it's a court case. They're in court testifying on the murder of Emily Rose and Expert, I can't remember his name but oh well. Short Story, It's all based on a real story which makes it even better. The story is a little stretched, but that is why the movie made big bucks in the end, and is also why this is the best movie because it has proof that it was real.