James Wan, y
ou might not know him but after reading this, you will. James is a great horror movie director. He did some of the best movies ever. Not to mention the movies I talk about all the time.
James Wan is a Malaysian Australian film producer, screenwriter and film director of Malaysian Chinese
descent. He is widely known for directing the horror film
Saw and creating Billy the puppet
. Wan has also directed Dead Silence, Death Sentence, Insidious, Insidious: Chapter 2, and The Conjuring.
He does a great job in directing and screenwriting. He makes amazing movies. If you love horror movies, watch some of his. If you're looking for a good scary movie that makes you jump, and are usually based off of true stories, look into him.
He even did an action movie! Fast and Furious 7. (R.I.P Brian.<3) How he is going to fix the movie from Paul Walkers death, I don't know. It's going to be hard, but I'm sure he will pull it off. They'll probably just make his stunt double drive off a cliff or bridge. Maybe get shot!? Oh my god... genius..
Back to scary movies.(: He was the producer for the Saw movies, he also did some writing for some of them also.
He also had a career in video games also, he was the director for the trailer for the game Dead Space.
In short, Wan is a great director and producer!
I enjoyed your blog posts this semester! They were silly but informative :) I hope you enjoyed writing them, even though they were a class assignment!