I blog about anything and everything on horror movies.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Best Actor/Actress
I think Johnny Depp is the best actor in horror films. He's great in them because he can portray anyone or anything. He was Sweeney Todd, which just seems like a hard role to play, I mean come on, you have to be friendly to people you hate and then in the end, kill them. MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! GENIUS I TELL YOU! but anyway, Johnny was also in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). Another great one is Edward Scissor Hands. He just is great at playing dark creepy people! Tobin Bell was also great because of his Saw movies. He was just great at everything in those movies, his creepy dieing voice, he scary look, the doll that represents him! It's all great. He made thriller movies what they are I think. He brought them to life. I mean come on people, he just wanted to play a game, but the Saw movies weren't the only good films he was in, there was the Boogeyman which still doesn't compare to the Saw movies but, ehh.
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