Wednesday, November 6, 2013

True Stories? Yeah, okay...

The Shining, The Exorcist, The Conjuring, blah blah blah, they're all supposed to be based off of true stories. The Shining is very true, it's been on Ghost Adventures! lol, just kidding. Yes, some of the movies are based off of true stories, but come on. Paranormal Activity is so not true. You can tell it's staged and just doesn't even seem real. Yeah, commercials for the movies show people screaming, I've seen them all in theater's. Yeah some people screamed. Others were like, what is wrong with you dumb ass's!
The exorcist seems to be true but there is no proof of it. Of course, anything paranormal has no proof. Oh well I guess. Some stories get so much fame and things that, the truth about it was lost. 

1 comment:

  1. The Shining is based on a fictional book by Stephen King. SHOW ME SOME RESEARCH PROOF THAT IT'S BASED ON AN ACTUAL HOTEL!

    You really should have done some research. Who/Where are people saying that this stuff is based on true stories? Who are these people you're referring to that say you're real? I've never heard anyone say they think Paranormal is based on real stuff. I do know that about The Exorcist, but not any of the other movies you mentioned. Links to websites that talk about that would have really helped you out in this post.

    You mention that The Exorcist seems to be true--find some websites that prove what you're saying here. Show me the evidence you found, or what other people say, or just whatever you read about. Show me *something* about this if you're telling me it's true.

    From my Blogging Expectations:

    I expect almost all of the posts on your blog will include some kind of research, as it is appropriate to your topic. It will be hard for you to write about your topic if you don't know much about it! Use Google to search out more information about your topic on the web. When you use information from other websites, you must cite your source. All you have to do is copy & paste the link from the website into your blog. Or, you can cite the organization of the blog. For example, instead of posting a link that is 3 lines long, I can simply state the title of the website it comes from.

